Five High-Value Upsells To Grow Your Business

Lee Kantor
4 min readAug 14, 2020
Below is a rough transcription of the latest BRX Pro Tip Podcast from the owners of Business RadioX ®

Stone Payton: [00:00:00] Welcome back to BRX Pro Tips. Lee Kantor and Stone Payton here with you. Lee, let’s talk about some high value upsells in our world.

Lee Kantor: [00:00:11] Yeah. As we all know, getting clients is something we’re always doing and we’re always working toward. And it’s hard work and it’s important work. And selling them is just the beginning of the relationship. Something to think about once you have a client is find opportunities to sell them other things that could benefit them and help them grow their business. So we thought we’d kind of list five or so things to upsell once you have a sponsor.

Lee Kantor: [00:00:39] So, one of the things you might think about selling them is a thought leadership podcast, like these BRX Pro Tips. Offer that as a way. They’re already coming in the studio. Give them kind of a path to record their own kind of thought leadership stuff and produce it for them. And then add it to their kind of work with you. Another thing you can do is offer to interview their clients. Getting their clients interviewed just for the sake of them in their marketing can help them. They can get insight into the clients. They can learn a lot. And it’s a really important benefit for them to get that kind of information. And it helps their clients get the word out more. And it shows that they’re being served.

Lee Kantor: [00:01:23] Another thing to do is transcripts. A lot of us do transcripts in a variety of ways. We include paid transcripts in most of our shows. And that’s great for SEO purposes on behalf of the client. Or if they don’t want to it put on their website, we’ll gladly put it on our website because more words and original content only helps.

Lee Kantor: [00:01:41] Another thing to offer is social media boosting of their content. That’s pretty easy to execute on our behalf because, again, we create so much content for them. Now, it’s just a matter of getting it out into the different platforms in a variety of ways. People use those audiograms. They use blog posts. Pullout, you know, kind of quotes, and tips, and stuff. That’s an easy thing for us to execute.

Lee Kantor: [00:02:08] Another thing that, maybe, is next-level is once you have the transcripts, you can make a book based on those transcripts of past shows. You can do it annually for some clients. A lot of clients aspire, especially in the professional service realm, they want to be a writer. They want to be an author. This gives them an easy way to author a book and get that credential extremely valuable. And it’s pretty easy for us to execute that on their behalf.

Lee Kantor: [00:02:35] Another thing is remote broadcast. We can be doing a remote broadcast from their office at an event that they’re hosting. We could do it at a conference or trade show they’re attending. There are lots of things from bringing the show on the road that we can offer to clients.

Lee Kantor: [00:02:50] So, those are some things that we can do to upsell. Stone, you got any you want to throw in the mix here? But those are some that came to me about upselling existing clients.

Stone Payton: [00:02:59] Well, everything you just rattled off, I learned from you. And I have found that people are very open-minded to exploring those ideas. And many people will take advantage of those additional services. One more that just fits me, and I guess the lesson is, find something that fits you a way you can personally add more value. In my case, a very natural upsell is coaching, consulting, mentoring with specific respect to selling itself.

Stone Payton: [00:03:28] I have some experience in that regard. And I have some mechanics that are really helpful to a lot of people, particularly in the professional services arena, who may or may not have actually been trained how to sell professional services. They may be really good at practicing their craft. So, for me, for Stone, a very natural upsell is coaching and consulting.

Originally published at on August 14, 2020. To learn how you can have a successful retirement — making more of an impact while making more money, please download our free e-book at



Lee Kantor

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